I NEVER…until I became a mom.
Today’s post is inspired by this week’s Monday Listicles theme. Greta, from the wonderfully named blog Not Enough Patience and Never...

A Mother’s Memory
Two weeks into my new life as a mother, a friend of the family came up to me and whispered with a smile, “Isn’t motherhood wonderful?”...

A Mom’s Gray Matter
It all started while I was watching a makeover on daytime TV. A timid woman in her forties stood in the shadow of a confident makeover...

The (Self-Publishing) Story So Far
This week the website Just.Be.Enough is running an “Inspired by Purple Leaves, Red Cherries” week. I am honored and view it as a...

A Promise With No Regrets
Sucking on a slice of lemon and taking a swig from a bottle of soda, I waited for the nausea to pass. I continued to hide my secret as I...

“Mompreneur” is My Business!
Over the past few weeks, a number of articles have been posted online debating the worthiness of the term mompreneur. Many have claimed...

New Moms, New Lexicon
It's a small gentle move – the first touch between a new mom and her baby; but it's a giant leap for each and every woman – so giant, it...
Now I Am a Mother
Before I was a mother . . . . I used to read fiction. I used to host parties with cocktails and interesting food. I used to have a fine...
Parenting Under the Influence . . . of Tiger Mom
My five year old was refusing to cooperate in her swimming lesson. I'd been patient with my daughter’s outbursts in her first few lessons...

Two Moms at the End of August
Two moms at the end of August watching their kids play and almost play together. Hoping September will reverse the desertification of...